Welcome to Silsden Sprouts, Silsden Primary School’s Before and After School Club.
Silsden Sprouts offers before and after school care for children who attend Silsden Primary School in Nursery to Year 6. It offers before school care from 7:30am – 8:50am every weekday morning and after school care from 3:30pm – 6pm.
For more information about our club, please click here to view our Parents Handbook. A hardcopy of the handbook is available from the school office.
You can register for fixed sessions, rota sessions and ad-hoc sessions – more information is detailed in our handbook.
We are happy to accept through the Government Ta Free Childcare scheme which provides financial support towards your childcare costs and ultimately reducing the cost to you. For further information about this scheme, click on the link, https://www.gov.uk/tax-free-childcare for further information.
Please contact the school office for further information, on 01535 210666 or e-mail our club at sprouts@silsden.bradford.sch.uk.
Many thanks
Sally-Anne Boyes
School Business Leader